What Are the Current Trends in Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is an energy alternative which is sustainable, and thus, does not
deplete itself or run out. Energy can overarchingly exist in a multitude of forms – electrically, mechanically, thermally, chemically and is always transferred and converted from one form into another. Renewable energy more specifically requires valuable energy from renewable sources such as the sun, the wind, hydro power (rain, tidal) or heat, such as geothermal. As it stands, Canada currently has a plan to reach net-zero emissions by the year 2050, and consequently, replacing fossil-fuels with renewable energy alternatives that are healthy, sustainable and efficient. As a result, the solar market has been on the rise, with an approximate growing increase rate of 10% over the next 5 years providing countless opportunities. Approximately 16% of Canada’s total energy supply is from renewable energy sources, with solar and wind energy sources being at the top of the energy growth market. On an international level, Canada currently ranks 7 for its use of renewables.

Canada’s main source of renewable energy derives from hydro power. 60% of Canada’s electricity generation is from renewable energy sources such as hydroelectricity. Canada had previously placed third in the world in hydroelectricity production in 2018. More surprisingly wind energy comes to a close second and has been continuously growing over the last 10 years in Canada, and accounted for 5 percent of generated electricity in Canada. Bioheat has also become a strong renewable energy source for schools, institutions and hospitals.

Over the last few decades, there has been a strong resurgence of solar energy and a greater advocacy for solar renewable energy alternatives. Environmental and economical concern is rising around Canada, and solar is turning out to be a bright and renewable solution to climate change. Furthermore, it is also becoming increasingly more economical to transition to solar photovoltaics, and the main province for solar voltaic growth is Ontario. The solar photovoltaic capacity in Canada was 3,040 in Canada.

Consider connecting with Terawatt Solar to assist you with Canada’s renewable and clean energy process. Our licensed consultants and installers can ease you through your transition to solar to ensure that you optimize your home ecologically, affordably and with great ease. We are here to help you with your energy and solar needs.

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